I know, sheesh, it's about time, right? I can't believe that Thanksgiving was over a week ago and I am just posting. Bad blogger! Anyway, it was such a fun weekend. We were in Moccasin this year and it was a blast. Lots of chaos, lots of food, lots of rain. Absolutely perfect! I didn't take any pics (I know, I must be coming down w/ something,) but I hijacked my mom's camera and so I'm gonna post hers.
My niece McKenna, her hubby Bart and his mom.
(You can't tell, but Kenna is 9 mos preggo in this pic. She actually just had her baby girl on Friday!)
Reggie, Kylan, and McKell
The feast begins!!!
That's us!
Bryan, Steph and Canon
It was a great time and we all ate ourselves silly!
Mike and I decide that we were going to head back into St. George (an hour away) to the early (and I mean EARRRRRLLLLYYYYY) Black Friday sales at Walmart. I was kind of nervous and didn't sleep much that night. We left my mom's at just before 3 am and got to Walmart at just after 4. There were a lot of people there already and had staked out their positions. When 5 am hit, it was madness. I don't quite know how it happened, but I ended up in the TV isle right at 5. Yes, I am thankful I got out of there with my life, the way those TV boxes were flying. I have never seen anything like it (as it was my first Black Friday sale.) I have to say, though, I really enjoyed it. I think I'm hooked, much to my honey's chagrin!
I live for Black Friday. I'm glad you've became one of us crazy 5 a.m. shoppers now!
I love black friday, I feel like I'm going into battle and the gifts I buy are my spoils
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