Just a reminder. . .

Monday, December 8, 2008

Thanksgiving recap and other stuff!

I know, sheesh, it's about time, right? I can't believe that Thanksgiving was over a week ago and I am just posting. Bad blogger! Anyway, it was such a fun weekend. We were in Moccasin this year and it was a blast. Lots of chaos, lots of food, lots of rain. Absolutely perfect! I didn't take any pics (I know, I must be coming down w/ something,) but I hijacked my mom's camera and so I'm gonna post hers.

My niece McKenna, her hubby Bart and his mom.
(You can't tell, but Kenna is 9 mos preggo in this pic. She actually just had her baby girl on Friday!)
Reggie, Kylan, and McKell

The feast begins!!!

That's us!

Bryan, Steph and Canon

Bracken! You're sooooo coooool! (luv ya, bud)

My handsome daddy!
It was a great time and we all ate ourselves silly!
Mike and I decide that we were going to head back into St. George (an hour away) to the early (and I mean EARRRRRLLLLYYYYY) Black Friday sales at Walmart. I was kind of nervous and didn't sleep much that night. We left my mom's at just before 3 am and got to Walmart at just after 4. There were a lot of people there already and had staked out their positions. When 5 am hit, it was madness. I don't quite know how it happened, but I ended up in the TV isle right at 5. Yes, I am thankful I got out of there with my life, the way those TV boxes were flying. I have never seen anything like it (as it was my first Black Friday sale.) I have to say, though, I really enjoyed it. I think I'm hooked, much to my honey's chagrin!


Jessica Littlefield said...

I live for Black Friday. I'm glad you've became one of us crazy 5 a.m. shoppers now!

Elizabeth said...

I love black friday, I feel like I'm going into battle and the gifts I buy are my spoils