Just a reminder. . .

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Memo to Mommy

I get the Parents Magazine every month and I just love it. There are always such good things in it, but as I was reading it last night, this really stuck out to me. Let me preface it by an explanation of my day. Boys up really early after not going to bed early the night before. Joshy, his typical 2 year old self. Lots of tantrums and general mayhem. Bryan not feeling well. Lots of crying and wanting to be held. Needless to say, it was a long day. Anyway, I ran across this and it just "spoke to me," especially in trying to deal with Joshy.

Memo to Mommy

You have a lot to teach your little one, but he has a few words of wisdom for you too.
* Stop freaking out about the mess! There's always time to clean--but how often do we get to make mud pies?
*Love me, even when I'm naughty. I'll only be this age once.
*Be patient. I do everything for a reason, but I don't know enough words yet to give you an explanation.
*Let me do it. I know you can do it faster and better, but sometimes experience is the best teacher.
*Don't expect too much of me. I want to do what you ask and make you happy, but I'm still little.
*Don't try to reason with me when I'm having a tantrum. Trust me-I can't hear you over my own screaming.
*Keep your promises. It's all about trust. When I'm a teenager, youll understand why it's to important.
*Don't keep asking me if I've been good. I'm not even sure what that means, but if I was bad I'd never admit it!
*Don't let me think that you're perfect. I feel a lot better knowing I'm not the only one who makes mistakes sometimes.
*Set limits. I can't actually eat a whole box of cookies-I just want to see if I'd get away with it.

Love it! I know, it's not rocket science, but sometimes I just need a little reminder every now and then.


Together We Can said...

Hey there,
I love it.
Sorry to keep you in suspense, but yes it has been 9 years of marriage. Can you believe it? It was 10 years ago this month that I moved in and became a roommate. Too weird.

Joe and Marci said...

I saw that article too, and it spoke to me. I was having the same kind of week you were and needed the gentle reminder. I love Parents, it's one subscription I will always renew!

Jessica Littlefield said...

I have to admit, sometimes it takes me a minute to warm up to articles like this because it makes me have guilt!! But this one is a keeper!

The Nance Family said...

I'm glad I looked at your blog, I had a crazy day today and totally needed that info., Thanks!