Just a reminder. . .

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Just a quick post tonight. I am exhausted. Anyway, Joshy had me rolling tonight when I put him down to bed. I don't know how it started, but somehow he has become "boogie conscious." Everytime I put him to bed he has to have his nose wiped, even if there is nothing there. Well, tonight he said, "momma boogie," so I let him wipe my nose. Then he went down the whole family. The conversation as follows. . .

Josh: "Mynan boogie?"
me: "No, Mynan doesn't have any boogies."
Josh: "Dada boogie?"
me: "No, dada can take care of his own boogies."
Josh: "Grandpa boogie?"
me: "No, grandpa can wipe his own nose."
Josh: "Grandma boogie?"
me: "I don't know we can ask her tomorrow."

Josh: "Papa, Grandma boogie?"
me: "Oh for crying out loud, go to sleep."

Apparently, my son is on a one man. . .er, child quest to make sure everyone in the world has a clean nose.

***Look out world it's the REAL Boogie Man to the rescue. *** (I'm pretty sure he will be quite busy this winter.)

1 comment:

Joe and Marci said...

He is so considerate to think of others like that! What a cutie :)