Just a reminder. . .

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Where does the time go?

"My uncle has a pretty cool name!!"

Happy lil' fella!

Blessing Day March 08

I can't believe it. Bryan is 4 months old today! What a sweet little blessing he is in our lives. It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital, but on the other hand, I have a hard time remembering our family with out him. He is such a joy. He has a cute little crooked smile that just brightens my day. He just started laughing this week, too. He does have a bit of a temper, though. If anybody messes with his bottle time, he will let us know that he is very unhappy. He always has his hands in his mouth and hates to lay flat. He wants to see what is going on in the world. We sure love him and are grateful to a Heavenly Father who lets us have these wonderful, special spirits in our lives.

1 comment:

Joe and Marci said...

He is so cute, he's already his own little person. It's always amazing to me how fast they lose the "newborn" look. Time truly does fly too fast with these precious little ones!!