We have just been chillin' around the house lately. Our awesome landlord is putting in sod for us and we are pretty excited. It will be nice to let Joshy out and have him be able to play in grass instead of lovely hard-packed dirt and a pile of rocks (which I really don't think he cares either way). Our landlord is going to completely enclose the yard, too, so that I can pretty much just let Joshy go free. He was telling me that he was going to take down the old swing in his backyard and trash it, but he said that is was still in good shape and he might as well bring it over here to let Joshy play on it. I am really excited. We will be able to have the BBQ's that we wanted and have a lot more freedom to spend time outside. There has been many a night when Mike and I would stand outside and wish we could lay on soft grass and look up at the stars. We will soon get to do that. Thank you, Richard. You're the bestest landlord ever!!!
Bryan had his first bit of rice cereal on Sunday. Did he like it or not? You be the judge. We've taken to calling Bryan "Mynan." Joshy has been calling him that from the beginning. I'm pretty sure it is a shortened version of "My Bryan."
Joshy has been talking up a storm. The other day, I came home from a rare errand alone. When I walked in the door, Joshy was standing right there and he said to me, "I wann go." Completely floored, I said, "Where?" He said, "I wann go outside." Now, I know I'm just a bit biased, but my kid is a genius!!! (ok, I'm really really biased) He's not even 2 yet and he's putting together sentences. Wow!!! MENSA here we come!!!
For nothing really happening, I sure can go on and on and on and on and on . . . Sorry!
1 comment:
He is so cute!! I would gag too if I had to eat that stuff :) He actually did a great job - looks like you have two geniuses on your hands!
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