Just a reminder. . .

Friday, May 16, 2008

Splish Splash!!!

We had a fun and interesting Wednesday afternoon. I decided to take Joshy and Bryan up to the new splash pad in Moapa. I couldn't figure out if Joshy liked it or not at first. He just stood there shivering so badly he could hardly stand, but he wouldn't let me take him out. After a while he started to run around a little bit more. I don't really think he knew exactly what to expect. There were not any other kids up there to show him what to do.

Later on that afternoon, we were outside doing some yard work. Michael had turned the water on to water the plants. Needless to say, Joshy found the only puddle. He was pretty cute splashing around in that puddle, so I decided to snap a few pics.

He was having a great time until I saw this huge black spider crawling around on his shirt. Now, I'm not generally afraid of spiders, but this thing was huge AND it was on my son, so I screamed and grabbed him, pulling him out of the puddle. The spider seemed to follow him, it had attached itself to Joshy with a web. Anyway, this huge, ugly black spider ended up being a Black Widow. Joshy was screaming and I didn't know if he had been bit or if he was just reacting to my freaking out. Thank goodness he didn't get bit, but needless to say, the bug man came yesterday and sprayed. Thank you, bug man, for a little peace of mind. If you look closely, you can see the Black Widow on Joshy's chest.

1 comment:

Jensen Family said...

Lisa, I am now itching all over. BLACK WIDOWS-YUCK!