Just a reminder. . .

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day in Moccasin

Michael, the kids and I got to spend an awesome weekend in Moccasin. Have I mentioned how much I love it up there? The air is fresh and cool and just different than it is here in Overton. It is such a charming little community, and I always feel so revived when I come back from there. My mom and I got to spend a few hours on Friday all by ourselves!!! Happy Mother's Day to us!! It's not often that I am without one or both of the boys. We didn't do much, just a little shopping, but it was wonderful.

We had so much fun on Saturday. Michael and I reverted back to our childhood and decided not to let Joshy have all the fun at the park. I can't believe I was able to get my big butt down that slide!!!

Joshy was pretty excited because he got to ride home in the back of "Gampa's Kuck" with Gamma!
Mother's Day was wonderful! I love going to church and hearing the speakers and the sweet primary children sing. It was a triple bonus this year because my aunt and cousin spoke in church. I don't know if any of you know my Aunt Winna and her family. If you don't you are completely missing out. The Kalauli Ohana is one of the best families out there. They truly show and practice unconditional love. I love that I got to spend Mother's Day with my own mom. I truly love and value my mother. She is my best friend, (next to Michael, of course.) Happy Mother's Day, mom. I love you!

1 comment:

Joe and Marci said...

I'm glad you had such a great Mother's Day - your parents look awesome! I miss your family!

It's always nice to spend time with our moms - I have to talk to mine almost every day!

By the way, that spider was nasty and I would've freaked out too, I'm glad Josh didn't get bitten!!