Just a reminder. . .

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Am I just way behind times, or is this window live writer thing new?  Anyway, I just heard about it and I am hoping that it will make things easier for me.  I seem to have a really hard time sitting down and posting lately.  It’s not like I am not checking on facebook or other blogs about 3 times a day, so what’s my deal?  I’m gonna try and post a pic.  I hear this thing has amazing editing capabilities and all sorts of fun things to do to your pics.


I think that there is definitely a learning curve, but hopefully I will be able to figure it out soon.  I do really like it tho.  BTW does anyone else use this, and if you do, how do I access the plug-ins i downloaded.  One other thing.  Do you all see my font, or does it not show up if you don’t have the font installed on your computer? 

Tips and Tricks, anyone?


Joe and Marci said...

Wow, that looks fantastic! I see the font and I'm hoping you'll tell me what you're doing so I can try it to!

Shane and Brandi said...

I see your font too. I have no idea about computers. Sorry. The picture of your little boy is so cute!