Just a reminder. . .

Friday, January 23, 2009

Disneyland Weekend

Time to play catch up again! We have had a busy couple of weeks, but who hasn't, right. Anyway, if you didn't notice, we are going to Disney World in May! My FIL is taking the whole family and we are so excited! Michael ordered a Disney World vacation planning DVD and Joshy is addicted. He loves to watch it over and over. I'm a little worried about the logistics, ie. . . getting the boys to and from the airport w/ carseats, luggage and everything else that a 1 and 2 year old require. Should make for an interesting time. If any of you have traveled w/ your kidlets and have any tips, I am all ears. He He! Ears! Get it? Mickey Mouse? I crack myself up!

Anyway, Michael and I got to take a much needed weekend away from the kids last weekend. (Thanks mom and dad for watching the boys! We love you!) We headed down to So. Cal for a little work, and a lot of fun! Saturday we did a little cleaning and then Michael and I headed out to lunch and some shopping. (Okay, so we just went to Target, but you don't know how much I miss Target! Living in Overton is doing me in! I miss my stores!) That night we played a little (by a little, I mean A LOT) of Rockband (thanks Kevin!) We had a good time hanging out w/ my SIL and her boyfriend. BTW, if you all want to see a Rockband pro in action, you need to play w/ Kevin! This guy ROCKS the guitar! Whatever. . . he ROCKS the WHOLE game!!! Quite intimidating, actually. Sunday was the BIG day! Michael and I got to go to Disneyland (Thanks Jason!). It was like old times. When Mike and I were first dating, we went to Disneyland quite a few times, (and never paid to get in, might I add!) So, it was a really fun day, hanging out w/ my honey, but I did miss the boys really bad by this time! Mike's mom and dad gave us a nights stay at a Marriot for Christmas so we took advantage of that on this trip (Thanks Dave and Cathy!) We had a great trip! It was so nice to spend some time w/ Mike and just enjoy being a couple. I missed my boys something fierce, though! I decided that it's good to miss them every once in a while. I am glad to be home and feel sort of renewed, like, "Hey, I can do this!" Anyway, thanks again to all who helped us have such a fun trip this weekend! We REALLY REALLY appreciate it!!!


Michael said...

Lucky. man i miss Disneyland so much.
as for traveling with the kiddies we made that trip to DW when megan was 4months ok that was very stupid. but thats besides the point now. benadryl is your friend. it calms them down a litter and helps to keep their ears open so they don't pop.

Together We Can said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend away!! That would be great right about now in our lives.
We went to Disneyland 2 years ago with a 2 yr. old and a 6 mo. old. Our plane ride wasn't as long as yours will be, but it is nice to have one parent in charge of one child and the other parent in charge of the other. Same goes for Disney World. You could alternate who you take care of. This way, you don't have to take kids to the bathroom or change pants etc. You will only have to do what your child needs. Hopefully that works. I am jealous. We were planning a Disney Cruise this summer, but it's a no go now. That's a whole other story though.

Call Me Cate said...

Hi! Just wanted to say thanks for following my blog!

Jensen Family said...

How fun! I would love to have a little vacation with just Craig. Oh, someday. As for traveling (flying with small kids) never done it, so you will be giving me advice when and if that time for my family ever comes.

Tammie said...

I didn't know you were in Overton. With a dang cute fam to boot! Oh I bet those little boys keep you busy! Looks like you are having lots of fun times though! You can find me and my fam at www.rytamandfam.blogspot.com isn't this blogworld great! So neat to "catch up" with you!