Just a reminder. . .

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Baby is ONE!!!

Happy Birthday, little monkey boy!
I love you so much and am so thankful to have you in our home. You are such a mellow little guy (except when Joshy does something to tick you off.) I love your smile and your cute little laugh! I love the way your blue-blue eyes just sparkle when you are amused, or finding some way to get into trouble. Your chubby-chubby cheekys are the best. I love it when you let me kiss on you and when you let me zerbert you! And I love the resulting laugh! It makes my day! So, thankyou again, for choosing us to be your family. You have truly blessed our lives.
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Shane and Brandi said...

Happy Birthday! It is sad to see them grow up!

Together We Can said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet little guy!! Wow!! Time does go by so fast. Hope his day was just great. Are you baby hungry for a 3rd? :)

Lisa said...

Heavens no!!!!! Joshy is running me ragged. Maybe in a year.

Jensen Family said...

Wow, I cannot believe that he is already one. He is so cute!