Just a reminder. . .

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yep, It's fall. I think.

We have been in some sort of heat wave down here. I know it's So. NV, but come on, mid to upper 70's? I have been having trouble even getting into the spirit of the season. Since the weather hasn't been giving me any clues, I've had to pick up on other ways to know that it's fall.

#1. It starts to get dark at 3:00.
#2. The average age of Moapa Valleyites (is that a word?) has risen about 30 years thanks to the arrival of the Snow Birds.
#3. I crave pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.
#4. I get an overwhelming urge to put on Christmas music.
#5. The birds are finally able to come out during the day because it's not surface-of-the-sun hot.
#6. We are finally able to turn off the A/C during the day. (sometimes)
#7. The "wonderful" commercials on TV hocking toys that we don't need.
#8. Joshy can walk bare foot on the sidewalk.

They say that we are in for a cold spell (60's) starting tomorrow. I say, BRING IT ON! I'm ready!!!!!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I'm so ready for the cold to. We were putting up Christmas lights today and I felt like I was getting a sun burn. Your so funny about every thing you said I agree on it all.