That's what Michael calls it when people get up in Fast and Testimony meeting and share their "thankfuls," so I thought that I would share mine.
I am so thankful for a husband who loves and cherishes me. I am thankful that he asks me, (quite often) "What can I do to help you today." I am thankful that he is a worthy Priesthood holder and is more than willing to share that special power at a moments notice. I am so thankful for our two boys. They truly are gifts from our Heavenly Father, and I feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to raise them. I am thankful for my parents. They are amazing people, who love the gospel first and their family a very close second. I am thankful for my family-in-law. They are wonderful people who have taught me a great many things. I am thankful for this Promised land in which we live. How amazing it is to have the freedoms and rights that we all can enjoy. I am thankful for the service men and women and their families, who so willingly give up their time to make sure that I have those freedoms. (love you, Christina and Eric. Keep safe!) I am thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for the knowledge that I have, for the blessings that I receive from that knowledge. I am thankful for a living Prophet, who leads and guides Christ's church as He would do so. Most importantly, I am thankful for my Savior, for his atoning sacrifice in my life, for the knowledge that I have that I can return to live with him again with my WHOLE family. I am thankful for a Heavenly Father who loves me enough to send me here to this earth so that I can have this wonderful, amazing mortal existance. I am truly a Child of God!
9 years ago
Wow, that was great! 'Tis the season for thankimonies, and I was glad to hear yours. Like you, everything good in my life comes from the Gospel. Thanks for sharing, I love you!!
Give me signal in the congregation if I give one of those.
I personally don't think there is anything wrong w/ a Thankimony! I'm pretty sure that's what I give most of the time I stand up.
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