Just a reminder. . .

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm calling Super Nanny!

Have you ever been so embarrassed you cried? I have! Today, as a matter of fact. It was our ward Primary program in Sacrament Meeting today. As a teacher I was asked to sit up on the stand with my class, which left Michael ALL alone with the boys. I am pretty impressed with how well Michael did. The boys were quiet all thru the Sacrament and even thru the first few songs, but then all heck broke loose. Bryan started screaming because Joshy took a candy wrapper away from him (yep, we were trying to keep Joshy's mouth stuffed w/ candy to keep him quiet.) Michael got up to take Bryan out and another Brother in the ward came to sit by Joshy (thanks for trying Bro. Rumsey. We really do appreciate it.) Joshy started screaming at the top of his lungs then too. I quietly got up and walked the long way to the back of the chapel to help. It was no use. Both boys were crying, strike that, screaming. Michael took Joshy out and I went back in the chapel to fix Bryan a bottle, which I managed to spill the powder all over Bryan's pants and my skirt. I was pretty close to tears at that point, and then I look up and I happened to catch a dirty look from a woman in the ward. I don't know who it was, must be a Snow Bird, but that was when I lost it and the tears just started flowing. Anyway, thanks so much to all the other members of the ward who gave me an encouraging smile or a thoughtful word. You will never know how much it was appreciated. Michael even got a hug from one of the sisters who told him he had earned "Father of the Year!" I one hundred percent agree! I am thankful for a husband that was even willing to try sitting thru Sacrament w/ 2 unruly boys. I am always hearing every other woman say that they got the best one out there, but I hate to tell you all that you're wrong. I GOT HIM!!!


Anonymous said...

Ok let me tell you that I think that sister whoever better quit judgin!!!!
That makes me very angry when I hear that . Second, they are KIDS!!!!!!! You know they need to give that talk that Pres. Monson gave a few years ago about , that ALL are welcome. Hey let's plan a park trip this week. I love ya!

Joe and Marci said...

I love the talk by our Stake President when he said, "I love coming to a ward where I can barely hear the speaker over the sound of children. That means you parents are coming to church even when it's hard, just so you can teach your children of the importance of sacrament meeting."
Okay, that's not a direct quote, but it was along those lines.
Besides, when your sons are dads, this will be a great story to tell their kids...

Shane and Brandi said...

It could be worse. Instead of a look she could have asked you to leave. It happened to me. I can ignore the looks, but the comments are what put me to tears!

Christina Overton said...

We have ALL been there. The only people who criticize are those whose memories are failing and can't remember how bad THEIR kids were at church.

Michael said...

Be not ashamed, kids will be kids and boys doublely so. And they will least grow out of it. As for that sad sad sister I fear she may be stuck in those ways. Mores the pity for her that the first thought when seeing a person in need is to scowl and scorn and not to help a brotha out. :)