Ok, so I screwed up. I did the unthinkable. I let my oldest son hang on to his binkie until he was almost 2. What was I thinking. I'll tell you what I was thinking. I was thinking that I didn't want to deal with the major battle that was bound to happen when I did finally take the dreadful thing away. And yep, it was a battle.
So here's the story. I decided a while ago that I was not going to buy any more binkies. I would just let them wear out one by one and get rid of them that way. Well, we finally got down to one binkie left about a month ago, so the past month we would tell Joshy that when he turns 2 he's a big boy and wouldn't need a binkie or "glis," as he calls it. Last Thursday I was looking at his binkie and noticed that half of it was gone. Where it went I have no idea, but I'm pretty sure there's probably a piece of silicone floating around somewhere inside my son, like half of Hollywood. I pulled on the thing and it pretty much just popped off, so bye-bye glis. I dreaded Thursday night, but actually Joshy went to bed pretty well. Just a little fussing. When I went in to get ready for bed, could hear someone coughing outside the window, which woke Joshy right up. Yep, he screamed, which in turn woke Bryan up. Crap. Crap. Crap. So, an hour and a half of constant screaming later (on both boys part,) we finally got them to sleep. Needless to say, Joshy woke up with a sore throat and runny nose on Friday, at 5:30 am mind you. He truly did cry himself sick. I didn't think it was really possible, but guess what, it is. Friday night he did the same thing, but it didn't last as long. Got better Saturday and Sunday and pretty much all week, but both boys and I have stuffy, runny noses and a yucky cough. Well yesterday, he started asking me about his "glis" again. What?? I thought he had pretty much forgotten about it. Nope. He woke up again last night wanting his glis and then started complaining of an ear ache. Yep, cried himself sick, I tell you. Moral of the story. . . Deal with the problem, before it becomes an even bigger problem. If I had taken it away at a year old he would have fussed and cried, but he would have gotten over it sooner and wouldn't feel like he lost his best friend. Live and Learn (but at our kids expense!)
Wow! I sure can ramble on and on. Sorry about that! It's been a long week.
I hear you. When Colin was that age, he would walk around with two or three binkies in his mouth at the same time, just chewing on them (not sucking). It was actually kind of funny. It's hard to take it away, especially when there's a new addition to the family - they have enough to adjust to as it is. You're a great mom!
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