Just a reminder. . .

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Shout out to digiscrapping!!!

Can I just say that I love this digital scrapbooking thing? I am just learning, but I love it tons. I love that I can sit down for 20 minutes and create an awesome page. I love that I don't have to pull out and then clean up all the scissors and pictures and papers and other little doo dads that go along with the other way. I love that I get a creative outlet that's actually useful for me (ie. . .finding a good way to display my pics,) and that I have time for. If any of you know of any more free sites (ala Shabby Princess) will you leave them in the comments? I'm all about the free stuff. Yep, I've found myself a new hobby!!!
By the way, sorry about all the slide shows.


Together We Can said...

Hey Lisa,
Great job on the page. I really like it. I go to this lady's blog everyday. She goes out and finds freebies and posts the links. It makes it great!! You can also search around on the blogs for other freebies they might have.

Also, this one is nice. She leaves her downloads open and gives you complete kits.

Have fun!! It is so addicting! :)

Joe and Marci said...

Cute page! I'll have to check out some of these sites, becuase you know I'm already addicted...

Jensen Family said...

I am digital scrapbook illerate. Can you email me and fill me in on how to get started and what I need to do. It looks so fun and much easier and I want to try!