Just a reminder. . .

Monday, July 14, 2008

Fourth of July!

We had a really quiet 4th. Mike had to work that day so we were stuck here in Overton. The boys and I just hung out until Michael got off work. Luckily he got home early, so then the party started. It was sooooo hot out (about 111 degrees at 5:30,) but we decided to BBQ anyway. Joshy was able to keep as cool as he could in the pool (Have I ever told you about Overton water in the summer?) while Mike did the cooking. We decided we weren't going to go to the town fireworks because we weren't sure how the boys would do with the boom, so Mike stopped and got a few "safe and sane" for us to shoot off. Joshy loved them. When they were done he would say"again dada, again." So last minute, we decided to load the boys in the car and go to the town fireworks. They both loved them. Even the loud booms. Even though it was a quiet day, it was one of the best 4th's I've had in a long time!!!

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