Just a reminder. . .

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yeah for June 20th!!

Okay, tomorrow really isn't a special day in our lives. There are no anniversaries (that I know of,) no birthdays, or anything like that, but I'm calling it my day of freedom! My wonderful, fabulous, beautiful mom is taking the boys for the weekend!!!! Our anniversary is on Tuesday, so Michael and I decided we were going to ship the boys off to Moccasin and just enjoy the weekend home alone. After a week of sick kids and surface-of-the-sun heat, I am just looking forward to a break. Good luck, mom! Thank you and I love you!

1 comment:

Joe and Marci said...

I loved seeing you this weekend!! It was so fun to finally meet your boys in person, not in cyberspace :)

I checked out Michelle's blog and found Rob and Mike. This is so cool!!

Can't wait to see your pics of this weekend (and thanks for the nice comment on our blog :)