Just a reminder. . .

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Vroom Vroom

Sorry, it's been a bit since my last post. The kids and I have been at my mom's and dad's this last week. We love to go up there when Michael works late. It kind of makes it so I don't get so lonely and my mom and dad love to see the boys.

My dad has been working hard these last couple years on his "baby." I call it that, he doesn't. Anyway, this is his dream car, and it has been fun to see it go from a piece of rusted metal to this fun little truck. Joshy loves the thing too. He keeps saying, "Gampa kuck, vroom vroom!" This truck is my dad's pride and joy and I think that the little town of Moccasin is pretty proud of it too. You have to look through all the kids searching for candy but the truck almost finished is in the background.

I love to go away for a few days, but I also like to be home. I miss my hubby and my bed. It was funny, though. Joshy started whining when he realized we were getting further and further away from Gamma and Gampa's house.
My mom says that Joshy has a little bit of my Grandpa Pulsipher in him. He is such a tease. He loves to grab at whatever he knows he shouldn't and then just run as fast as his short little legs can carry him. He likes the chase. I think I kind of perpetuate that though, because I like the chase too.
My little Bryan buddy is such a sweetie! I can't believe how big he is and how quick time goes. He is not a napper, though. He will sleep all through the night and then not want to nap during the day. Now I know most of you are thinking, "Hey, sounds good to me." But the problem is that he wants to be held and jiggled all day long. If I just lay him down, he either starts out with a whimper, or he gets really mad instantly. Makes for interesting days.
Michael interviewed for the county job. He didn't get it, but he is now in the process of hiring on at the Health District. That's where I worked before we had Joshy. It would be a good job for him and the pay is awesome. Best thing of all. . . He would be out of the casino. He doesn't work in the casino, but he has to walk through it every day, and I hate it. So, keep us in your prayers!

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